Artura fence series

Artura fence series. Maintenance-free fences, privacy screens and gates made from robust WPC recycling material.

Maintenance-free DIY fence
Chic, slate gray self-assembly fence series made from recycled WPC. Easy and quick to set up, no more drudgery. The WPC profiles are pushed into the steel profile (frame) from above. Then the Artura element is attached to Plus steel posts or Plus WPC posts with a steel core. Note: The weight is much lower than comparable wooden products.

Cleaning is very easy with the maintenance-free Artura fence. If necessary, wash with soap, water and a soft brush. Done.

With the PLUS Designer you design perfect fencing solution for your garden.

Plus Artura WPC Zaun 180 x 135 cm
199.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Profilbrett 88 cm
8.90 € incl tax 9.95 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Stahlrahmen für Artura WPC Zaun 90 x 175 cm
41.90 € incl tax 43.95 € incl tax excluding shipping
WPC Zaun-Set ist aus hochwertigem Kunststoff & verzinktem Stahl. Sehr wartungsfreundlich & pflegeleicht. Design mit Langlebigkeit kombiniert. Hier kaufen!
99.00 € incl tax 104.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Sichtschutz-Zaun 180 x 175 cm
249.00 € incl tax 254.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Zaun 180 x 95 cm
159.00 € incl tax 164.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Sichtschutz-Zaun 90 × 175 cm
154.00 € incl tax 164.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Zaun mit Klarglas 180 x 135 cm
249.00 € incl tax 259.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Zaun mit Klarglas 90 x 175 cm
179.00 € incl tax 184.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Doppeltor 197 x 135 cm + 16 cm mit Pfosten schwarzgrau lackiert zum Einbetonieren, Türanschlag rechts
1909.00 € incl tax 2119.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Zaun mit Klarglas 90 x 135 cm
159.00 € incl tax 164.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Zaun mit Klarglas 180 x 175 cm
299.00 € incl tax 314.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Tor 99 x 175 cm + 16 cm mit schwarzen Pfosten zum Einbetonieren, Türanschlag links
1039.00 € incl tax 1154.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Profilbrett 178 cm
16.90 € incl tax 18.95 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Tor 99 x 95 cm + 16 cm Pfosten zum Einbetonieren Türanschlag rechts
924.00 € incl tax 989.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Zaun 90 × 135 cm
129.00 € incl tax 134.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Tor 99 x 135 cm + 16 cm Pfosten zum Einbetonieren Türanschlag rechts
959.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Tor 99 x 175 cm + 16 cm Pfosten zum Einbetonieren Türanschlag rechts
984.00 € incl tax 1084.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Tor 99 x 175 cm + 16 cm Pfosten zum Einbetonieren Türanschlag links
984.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Artura WPC Tor 99 x 135 cm + 16 cm Pfosten zum Einbetonieren Türanschlag links
959.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
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Min: 8.00 € Max: 1974.00 €
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