Plus A/S

May I introduce: The traditional brand for the plus in the garden

OK High quality for 75 years.

OK Innovative products from tradition.

OK Danish design for joy and quality of life.

OK High value of the products for longevity and utility.

Family Places

Creates a good setting for family places in the garden and on the terrace. Here you will find the best suggestions for the design of modern, beautiful and high-quality quality time places in the garden and on the terrace as well as on balconies. The we of the family with the connection between family members of all ages is reflected in good design - there is a connection between play, entertainment, utility and comfort. This is how Plus makes life a little nicer and easier.

Outdoor break rooms

High-quality break rooms in the outdoor area of a company. With the typical Nordic seating groups, the high visual qualities and the special product quality, you can create high-quality places for relaxation and communication outdoors with manageable means. That makes you curious, you might think.

Plus A/S Logo

Plus Nostalgi Übergangselement mit Rankspalier schwarz 90 x 180 / 95 cm neu
184.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Nostalgi Übergangselement mit Rankspalier weiss 90 x 180 / 95 cm neue Ausführung 2021
184.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Nostalgi Gartenzaunelement Vorgartenzaun mit Rankspalier schwarz 180 x 95 cm
184.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Nostalgi Vorgartenzaun mit Rankspalier weiss 180 x 95 cm neue Ausführung 2021
184.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus original element fittings-set stainless 4 pcs with stainless steel screws
7.50 € incl tax excluding shipping
equates to 1.88 € per 1 kg
Plus original element fittings-set black 4 pcs without screws
6.95 € incl tax excluding shipping
equates to 1.74 € per 1 kg
Plus original element fittings-set galvanized 4 pcs with stainless steel screws
4.95 € incl tax excluding shipping
equates to 1.24 € per 1 kg
Plus Osaka höheres Doppeltor Kiefer-Fichte schwarz 200 x 136 cm Doppel-Gartentüre
458.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka hohes Doppeltor Kiefer-Fichte schwarz 200 x 180 cm Doppel-Sichtschutztüre
538.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Doppeltor Kiefer-Fichte schwarz 200 x 93 cm die Doppel-Gartentüre
398.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Doppeltor Kiefer-Fichte weiss 200 x 136 cm zweiflügeliges Gartentor, mittlere Höhe
548.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Sichtschutz-Doppeltor Kiefer-Fichte weiss 200 x 180 cm zweiflügeliges Tor Sichtschutz
618.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Doppeltor Kiefer-Fichte weiss 200 x 93 cm2-flügeliges Gartentor
478.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Gartentüre Kiefer-Fichte schwarz 100 x 136 cm
229.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Gartentüre Kiefer-Fichte schwarz 100 x 93 cm
199.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Gartentüre Kiefer-Fichte weiss 100 x 136 cm
274.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Gartentüre Kiefer-Fichte weiss 100 x 93 cm kleines Einzeltor
239.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Sichtschutz-Gartentüre Kiefer-Fichte schwarz 100 x 180 cm
269.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Sichtschutz-Gartentüre Kiefer-Fichte weiss 100 x 180 cm
309.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
Plus Osaka Sichtschutzzaun Kiefer-Fichte schwarz 180 x 180 cm
209.00 € incl tax excluding shipping
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Min: 0.00 € Max: 5439.00 €
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